Ragga Jungle

Ragga jungle is something intermediate between rap and reggae with fast breakbeat elements and recitative.

Birth: 1989 Bloom: 1995 Death: 2002

Actually, ragga jungle is the first form of jungle music. Distinctive features of the style include rap ragga lyrics performed with characteristic ragga dialect. The style prefers rhythms to complex musical themes.

Ragga jungle is very important as the music of the underclass. It is a kind of a national equivalent to gangsta rap. Negro dialects, cutting rhythms and pressing bass are in charge of creating a criminal mood in ghettos.

Also read: Breaks, Hip-hop/Rap

Umbrellate style: Drum & Bass

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Ragga Jungle tracks and remixes

243 2:53 12 80 PR 14 ▲
Ragga Jungle, Drum & Bass
481 2:37   177 PR 5,7 ▲
Ragga Jungle, Twerk
204 3:25 2 120 PR 4 ▲
Ragga Jungle, Deep House

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